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Biteman's unique and advanced compressed air dryer was very popular in Hanover, Germany

Time: Jun 22, 2022 From: Biteman TechnologyClick: 1736

  On April 1, Biteman desiccant air dryer and purifying air dryer show a new look in the global industrial magic capital,  Hannover Germany strength to lead the evolution and upgrading of deep water removal and deep drying industry.

  Mr. Leng , director of Shenzhen Biteman Technology  , sent a delegation to Germany to attend hannover Messe 2019. Founded in 1947, hannover International Industry Fair is an annual flagship fair in the field of industry and trade. It has been successfully held for more than 70 times. The exhibition is recognized as one of the important platforms connecting global industrial design, processing and manufacturing, technology application and international trade. So far, it has become a landmark exhibition in the field of global industrial trade, the "barometer" of world industrial trade and the weathervane of global industrial technology development.

  Biteman made a brilliant appearance at the exhibition this time. With 13 years of continuous innovation, technology, and simple industrial design concepts in the compressed air field, brand-new craftsmanship and brand-new product presentations, it is glorious in the air compressor hall where the crowds gather. , Attracts attention; it also uses the world's leading deep water removal and deep drying technology to solve the problem of compressed air purification in a one-stop manner, which particularly attracts exhibitors and visitors, and makes the exhibitors impressed with Biteman products.





Biteman purifying air dryer integrates the entire compressed air purification system, opening the era of integrated compressed air purification system, one-stop solution to compressed air purification problems, and meeting the purification needs of compressed air in general industrial production!



With its high-quality experience and excellent product design, Biteman made many potential cooperative merchants present praised Biteman products and established a cooperative relationship of intentions.



  In the future, Biteman will uphold its original aspiration and is committed to providing customers with a more perfect and continuously leading overall solution for compressed air purification, creating a more efficient manufacturing system and a better service system, and realizing the satisfaction of customers and agent partners. Value service.


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